itda_proAdvanced Scuba Instructor Page

An ITDA Advanced Instructor is essentially a "Specialist Instructor" with more training experience then a Scuba or Open Water Instructor. . . We have a unique policy on our ITP Instructor Training Programs of "Upgrading" experienced candidates who demonstrate the skills and aptitude for an Advanced Instructor level...

About ITDA Advanced Sports Scuba Instructortech-intro

Advanced Sports Instructor is a level above our Scuba Open Water Instructor rating and this means that to become an advanced sports scuba instructor, training skills, dive theory and knowledge, must be above and beyond what is normally required for basic instructor levels.

  And must be demonstrated and proven to an instructor trainer (Assessor) or Course Director / Assessor, who will undertake training as a "Specialist Student" making mistakes and errors and assessing / testing the Advanced Sports Instructor candidates to their limits. Before graduating them as ITDA Advanced Sports Scuba Instructors. 

They may also run an assessor workshop on the ITP to upgrade candidates... to Advanced Instructor Assessor...

How to become an Advanced Sports Scuba Instructor

ITDA Instructors may qualify to upgrade / become Advanced Instructors by completing "Specialist Instructor" training with a specialist trainer, Course Director or appointed staff person from ITDA HQ.

Technical Instructor may also become ITDA Specialist Instructors, and we welcome crossovers from other agencies...

See Crossover Page

Once 5 Specialist Instructor ratings are achieved to level 3 / Advanced level in that Specialty they may be certified by a specialist Trainer Assessor or Course Director / HQ Staff. As an Advanced Specialist Instructor.  Having proved exceptional skills in specialist training...

Crossover Instructor and Upgradetechnical

Instructors from other agencies may apply to ITDA HQ for approval to join ITDA as an advanced sports or specialist instructor.

Only if they can clearly prove and demonstrate exceptional skills and abilities in diver training, and have certified a minimum of 50+ Students and have been a certified instructor for over 12 months. 

Technical Instructors may also apply for this status...  ITDA Crossover and Upgrade Link...

Advanced ITDA instructors MUST also have advanced life support, oxygen first-aid and AED First-Aid instructor ratings with IHMP...

Or another First-Aid training body recognised and approved by ITDA/IHMP HQ. Like: Red Cross / DAN / EFR etc. etc.

Or may include these programs with their crossover / upgrade program

Please email us with any questions or inquires:


webPage is in development and more information is available from if you have an urgent inquiry...

Please bookmark page and we will get back to you, as soon as possible....


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ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.


Our Office Locations


Registered Offices

International Technical Diving Agency (ITDA) Europe and ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.

Lugr Pagos, Los Caserones #69

Sedella 29715

Malaga, Spain.

0034 693 009 636

Spain EU.


Company Details

ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
CEO Contact Steve
COO Contact Gina
Office Locations 2...

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