ITDA Specialist Instructor

ITDA Specialist Instructor is a unique training level offering specialist instructors from any agency the opportunity to crossover and upgrade their skills, training and certification to become an ITDA Specialist instructor.

 It applies to: ITDA Sports Scuba - ITDA Technical Diving Professionals and IHMP First-Aid and Medical Instructors...

ITDA Specialist Instructors are not just certified as "Specialist Diving Educators" but are experts in their field... With real world experience!

What is an ITDA Specialist Instructor?

Specialist Instructors are experts in their field of specialist diving and may certify all ITDA Specialist Diver levels in that field...  From Introduction level 1, and Intermediate Level 2, to Level 3. Advanced Specialist Diver...  We have also now added programs from the ITDA Academy offering higher education levels with certificate in diving and diploma available...  See ITDA Academy Page

What can an ITDA Specialist Instructor do?deco

ITDA Specialist Instructor and Specialist Trainer/Assessor

Our ITDA Specialist Instructors and above, may certify all level programs from 1,2, and 3 (Advanced Diver / Specialist Diver Programs...+ ITDA Academy programs)

These levels are advanced on merit and previous experience for example if you were an "Any Agency" Deep Air Instructor with 100 Deep Air Diver certifications and 3-5 years experience as a Diving Instructor, we may invite you to crossover to Deep Air Specialist Instructor in ITDA, and after 25  Deep Air Diver certifications, an invitation to become a specialist trainer... and or...  You can add the ITDA Academy Certificate in Diving (Specialist), and Diploma in Diving programs...

If you were an ITDA Deep Air Instructor with 25+ Deep Air ITDA Certifications you may apply to be researchupgraded to Advanced Deep Air Specialist Instructor.  

ITDA Specialist Trainer/Assessor and ITDA Course Directors are invitations to upgrade ONLY based on attending an HQ standards module program and our workshops (Available at limited ITP Courses), merit, certifications issued and of course overall experience count for a lot, plus our unique assessment process (based on Higher Education Systems credits and credit for prior learning and experience.)

How can I become an ITDA Specialist Instructor?

There are 3 routes to become an ITDA Specialist Instructor (ITDA-SI).nitrox

1. Come through our Entry Level Instructor path and complete an upgrade module with an "ITDA  Specialist Trainer/Assessor" based on the advanced area's of "Specialist" instruction you wish to train and be certified in.

2. Crossover from another agency as a highly experienced technical instructor and instructor in sports diving (Any agency) and upgrade to ITDA Specialist Instructor and after gaining some experience certifying ITDA Specialist Divers, you may apply to upgrade.  Or crossover from a very senior specialist instructor level from another training agency and upgrade directly to our specialist instructor or Specialist Instructor trainer level.

3. Apply from your ITDA Instructor level from Advanced Instructor to be a "Specialist Instructor" in diving subject area's that you have a great deal of experience in and have certified ITDA Divers in...

  • ITDA Specialist Trainers may "Certify ITDA Specialist Instructors", on specialist instructor training programs, and will need to be certified additionally as Instructor Trainer/Assessors in order to complete our instructor standards or use a specialist assessor appointed by ITDA Group HQ.

Next Steps

Iice_dvrf you would like to learn more or apply for the next ITDA Specialist Instructor Courses in your region, please email us with your details and where you are in the world. We hold 4-5 Specialist Instructor Courses per year in different regions and most can accommodate upgrade programs.   See ITDA Membership page to Join us!

If you are interested in applying for a technical crossover or upgrade program please email use here...

See link to our Specialist Diver page


Page is in development and more information is available from if you have an urgent inquiry...

Please bookmark page and we will get back to you, as soon as possible....

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ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.


Our Office Locations

ITDA EU HQ - TP-129 Todo Express, Avenida de Constitucion #31
Competa, 29754 

Spain EU.


Mail us Directly

Contact gina 
Mon - Thursday, 9:30-7:00pm

Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.

Sundays and Holidays - Closed


Company Details

ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
CEO Contact Steve
COO Contact Gina
Office Locations 2...

C/O Atrix Business Services. ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd. 2003, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City. 33 Canton Road, TsimShaTsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR China).

ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity. 

Divepro Franchise link