Compare ITDA Training and Certifications
Not all training agencies are the same!
We are NOT interested in being the biggest training agency, ONLY the best at what we do... Producing Quality Safe and Competent Divers at all levels of the Industry from Recreational to Professional Diving...
We offer here a unique insight into the core values of the ITDA Group and our motivation to be the highest standards training agency, based on quality and not quantity, i.e.
We are unique in many ways in the Sports diving world as not only do we accept multi-agency instructors and divers but we actively encourage them... ITDA Group International and the International Technical Diving Agency, offer the highest quality, value for money and highest training standards in the Industry... Please cover this page carefully and if you have any questions email us and we will respond quickly:
Compare ITDA with?
The biggest diver training agency in the world is the American giant "PADI", Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
They have recently been bought and sold a few times over the past few years and the agency and their professionals are considered as market leaders.
ITDA Executives; Steve and Georgina with their Award for safety standards.
The Industry Intelligence business "Owler" has up to date info on all training agencies. The links below offer an independent insight into our industry... See this link: And to compare ITDA please use these two links... We have two main business sites; the International Technical Diving Agency...ITDA Group International -
See our unique charts which offer a graphic vision to compare ITDA with PADI and CMAS by Depth / Course / Pro-fees.
Are there many other agencies?
YES! There are, many other training agencies around the World, in fact hundreds of them, and new ones coming up all the time but the main players remain.
Anyone looking to learn to dive or divers looking to advance their certifications or to become professionals, should look at the training agency very carefully and consider all of the options.
Especially training standards see ITDA Standards pages link here to our About Standards page...
See also lower part of this page for a list of all training agencies meeting International standards.
We at ITDA work harder to provide you with the best, safest and most fun training because we understand that YOU have a choice! And we want YOU to choose us! ITDA should always be YOUR First Choice! and we want you to recommend family and friends to us... We have a great referral and reward service... Ask your ITDA Instructor for more details as benefits vary from training partners worldwide... Or mail us directly at
NOT all training agencies are the same, there are many differences in standards as applied to training and certification and many differences in training philosophy and delivery. Also we offer high quality materials, with flexible options and lower costs and on-going costs, etc.
The majority of International training agencies follow the guidelines from ISO / ANSI/EN to meet minimum International standards see our about standards page link here!
NOTE: The comments below are from different sources of whom many are multiple agency professionals who have crossed over to ITDA, and where certified professionals with; CMAS / SSI / NAUI / PADI / ITDA / IDEA / BSAC / IANTD / TDI/SDI etc. This is NOT the expressed view or opinion of the ITDA Management... It is the ITDA management view that all of the major training agencies operate professionally and to high standards, following the ISO - ANSI/EN International standards.
PADI? Professional Association of Diving Instructors
PADI programs may change from time to time but generally their basic diver program is the PADI Open Water Scuba Diver which is an International Diver certification.
PADI are also probably the largest scuba diver training agency in the world and as such they have a global network of affiliate diver training facilities around the World.
PRO's (For PADI)
Size of the organisation
Easy training and focus on fun diving
Good quality education and materials
Instructor Course is just 7 days on average
PADI has a Fast-Track System for Professionals and Specialist certifications
CONs for PADI (Against PADI)
Because of the size and popularity of PADI they have a lot of market saturation which may lead to certain areas or territories have multiple PADI dive schools in close proximity causing a "Price War" scenario for the private operators of these businesses.
This may "Appear to benefit the consumer", but to reduce operations costs operators may cut corners, including poor employment conditions and low wages for instructor etc.
Training very fast to certification from 3 days or less, with a minimum standard of just 4 Open Water Training dives and 5+ pool sessions (Depending on the training Centre!)
PADI have good International resources and representatives in many regions but are a United States (USA) based business.
CMAS? Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques
CMAS are traditionally a European body but operate worldwide. They have been training divers since 1958 and some very famous name where involved in the early days including the TV Celebrity; Jacques-Yves Cousteau who was a founding member.
One Star Diver - "a diver who is competent in the safe and correct use of all appropriate open water scuba diving equipment in a sheltered water training area and is ready to gain open water diving experience in the company of an experienced diver.
Training dives may be up to 10 dives or more experience.
PRO's for CMAS
Long standing history of diver training on an International level since 1959.
CMAS are a serious training body and focus on safety and training for emergency situations.
Courses are recognised industry wide.
CONs for CMAS (Against CMAS)
Primarily a European body with limited International support.
Few actual CMAS training Centre's around the world.
CMAS Professionals tend to be multi-agency.
Up to 10+ Open Water dives required for certification.
CMAS are currently more focused on Free diving and International free diver training than on the traditional SCUBA Training... They also sponsor major competitions.
SSI? Scuba Schools International
SSI Philosophy (Taken from their website) Knowledge replaces anxiety and fear with correct information. There are many ways you can start an SSI program offers traditional training, home study or online training. No matter which way you decide to take the program, it will be taught the same way using the SSI Total Teaching System. During interactive review sessions, your SSI Dive Professional will teach you how 'land value' what you learn out of the water relates to 'water value' what you do with information in the water.
The best way to learn essential skills is through continuous and correct repetition. The goal of this repetition is to learn the skills so well that they can be performed automatically, and without conscious thought.
This is SSI's signature water training method: Comfort Through Repetition.
We believe it is vital to take plenty of practice time to develop the skills necessary to become a competent and comfortable diver.
Your SSI Dive Professional will lead you through a series of comprehensive skill exercises for you to practice until they become second nature.
Of the many 100's of other training agencies out there around the world are many national federations and Club Systems. (ITDA also has an International Club System which follow the exact same certification standards as our International system.
The majority of people will learn to dive based on the recommendation of friends and family, and or as an act of convenience. (You are on vacation / holidays and there is a dive school at or close to your resort or hotel... This is very common! So please do not be overwhelmed by the sheer number of agencies below:
List from Wikipedia of diver training and certification agencies...
Organisations which publish standards for competence
in recreational scuba diving skills and knowledge, and
issue certification for divers assessed as competent
against these standards by affiliated schools or
Associazione CMAS Diving Centre Italia CMAS code
American Canadian Underwater Certifications, Recreational diver training and certification agency
Associated European Divers CMAS code INT/F09 AFUS -
Armenian Federation of Underwater Sports CMAS
code ARM/F00
Albatros Progetto Paolo Pinto CMAS code ITA/F14 AMCQ -
Association des Moniteurs de la CMAS du Quebec
CMAS code CAN/F05 ANDI -
American Nitrox Divers International
Recreational diver training and certification
agency, also
ANDI International
EUF CB 2005005 ANIS -
Associaziona Nazionale Istruttori Subacquei CMAS
code ITA/F08 APT -
Antincendio Prevencione Tecnologia CMAS code
ITA/F05 ASD Acqua Team CMAS code ITA/F04 ASI -
Alleanza Sportiva Italiana Divisione Subacquea
CMAS code ITA/F11 AUF -
Australian Underwater Federation Governing
body for underwater sports in Australia CMAS code
Associated Underwater Scuba Instructors
(formerly Australian Underwater Scuba Instructors) BEFOS-FEBRAS -
Federation Royale Belge De Recherches et d'Activites
Sous-Marines (Royal Belgian Diving Federation)
CMAS code BEL/F00 Belarus Federation of Underwater Sport CMAS code
Bulgarian National Association of Underwater
Activity CMAS code BUL/F01 BSAC -
British Sub Aqua Club Recreational diving
club, training and certification agency based in the
UK EUF CB 2007001 CBPDS -
Confederacao Brasiliera de Pesca e Desportos
Subaquaticos CMAS code BRA/F00 CDP -
Canadian Diving Program CMAS code CAN/F08 CFT -
Comhairle Fo-Thuinn governing body for
recreational diving and underwater hockey in Ireland
(Irish Underwater Council) CMAS code IRL/F00 CFUA -
Cyprus Federation of Underwater Activities CMAS
code CYP/F00 CIRSS -
Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subaquei CMAS
code ITA/F01 CMAS -
Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques
International organisation for underwater activities
CMAS Baltic -
CMAS Baltic Sporta Biedrtba (Latvia) CMAS code
CMAS Switzerland CMAS code SUI/F01 CMAS-ISA -
CMAS Instructors of South Africa CMAS code
Confederation Russe des Activites Subaquatiques
CMAS code RUS/F00 CTUF -
Chinese Taipei Underwater Federation CMAS code
Chinese Underwater Association CMAS code CHN/F00 DDI -
Disabled Divers International EUF CB 2011003 DSF - Dansk Sports Dykker Forbund Danish Sports Divers Federation CMAS code
EUF CB 2005006 EAVSL -
Eesti Allveeliit (Estonian Sportdivers
Association) CMAS code EST/F00 ESA -
ESA Worldwide CMAS code ITA/F12 EEOBV -
Erste Osterreichische Berufstauchlehrer Verband EULF - Egyptian Underwater Life savinderation CMAS code EGY/F00 FFAAS -
Federacion Argentina de Actividades Subacuaticas
(Argentine Underwater Federation) CMAS code ARG/F00 FADAS - Federacio Andorrana d'Activitats Subaquaticas Federacio Andorrana d'Activitats Subaquaticas
Federation Algerienne de Sauvetage de Secourisme et
des Activites Subaquatiques. CMAS code ALG/F00/li
Federatia de Activitati Subacvatice din Republica
Moldava (Federation of Underwater Activities of
the Republic of Moldava) CMAS code MDA/F02 FAST -
Federation des Activites Subaquatiques de Tunisie
CMAS code TUN/F00 FAUI -
Formation of Australian Underwater Instructors
(formerly National Association of Scuba Diving
Schools Australasia) FCAS - Federacion_Cubana_de_Actividades_Subacuaticas. Federacion Cubana de Actividades Subacuaticas (page does not exist)"
Federacion Cubana de Actividades Subacuaticas
Federacao Cabo Verde Desportivo Subm. Jose Maria Aquatico CMAS code CPV/F00 FEDAS - Federacion_Espanola_de_Actividades_Subacuaticas. Federacion Espanola de Actividades Subacuaticas Federacion Espanola de Actividades Subacuaticas Spanish national federation for underwater
activities, affiliated to CMAS (Spain) CMAS code
Federacion Ecuatoriana de Buceo y Actividades
Subacuaticas CMAS code ECU/F00 FEDECAS -
Federacion Colombiana de Actividades Subacuaticas
Federacion Peruana de Actividades Subacuaticas
Federation Deportiva Nacional de Deportes Submarinos
(Chile) CMAS code CHI/F00 FFESSM -
Federation Francaise d'Etudes et de Sports Sous Marins
French diver training and certification agency
(French Underwater Federation) CMAS code FRA/F00
Federazione Italiana Sport Acquatici CMAS code
Federazione Italiana Attivita Subacquee
Italian non-profit recreational diver training
organisation affiliated to CMAS CMAS code ITA/F09,
EUF CB 2005004 FIPSAS -
Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva e Attivita
Subacquee CMAS code ITA/F00 FLASSA -
Federation Luxembourgeoise des Activites et Sports
Subaquatiques ASBL CMAS code LUX/F00 FMAS -
Federation Monegasque des Activites Subaquatiques
(Monaco) CMAS code MON/F00 FMAS -
Federacion Mexicana de Actividades Subacuaticas A.C.
Federation Marocaine de Plongee et Activites
Subaquatiques (Moroccan Federation of Diving and
Underwater Activities) CMAS code MAR/F00 FPAS -
Federacao Portuguesa Actividades Subaquaticas
(Portuguese Federation of Underwater Activities)
CMAS code POR/F00 FSAS -
Federazione Sammarinese Attivita Subacquee CMAS
code SMR/F00 FSGT -Federation
Sportive et Gymnique du Travail FUAM -
Federation of Underwater Activities Malta CMAS
code MLT/F00 FVAS -
Federacion Venezolana de Actividades Subacuaticas
CMAS code VEN/F00 GUE -
Global Underwater Explorers Recreational/technical scuba training and
certification agency EUF CB 2013001 HSA -
Handicapped Scuba Association HFUA -
Elliniki Ohospondia Ypoyrichias Drastriottas
Athlitikis Alkias kai Technikis Kolymvisis
(Hellenic Federation for Underwater Activities,
Sportfishing and Finswimming) CMAS code GRE/F00 HKUAL -
Hong Kong Underwater Association CMAS code
Hrvatski Ronilacki savez (Croatian Diving
Federation) CMAS code CRO/F00 IAC -
International Aquanautic Club
EUF CB 2005001 IAHD -
International Association for Handicapped Divers Non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands EUF
CB 2007005 IAHD Adriatic -
Mednarodno zdruzenje hendikepiranih potapljacev
Adriatic (International Association for
Handicapped Divers Adriatic) CMAS code SLO/F01 IANTD -
International Association of Nitrox and Technical
Divers Recreational and technical scuba
training and certification agency CMAS code INT/F01 IDA
International Diving Association IDEA -
International Diving Educators Association Recreational scuba training and certification agency IPA -
International Police Association (Monaco) CMAS
code INT/F11 IDSA
International Diving Schools Association Organisation to develop common standards for
commercial diver training ISC - DiveISC International Scuba Certification
InnerSpace Explorers
Irish Underwater Council EUF CB 2006003
Islamic Republic of Iran Lifesaving Federation
CMAS code IRI/F00
ITDA - International Technical
Diving Agency
JCIA - Japan CMAS Instructor Association CMAS code JPN/F00
JEFF - Japan Educational Facilities Federation CMAS code JPN/F02
KD Japan - Kansai Sensui Renmei (Kansai Sports Diving Federation Japan) CMAS code JPN/F05
KDP PTTK - Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze Komisja Dzialalnosci Podw (Polish Tourist Country-Lovers Society Underwater Activity Commission) CMAS code POL/F00
KP-LOK - Komisja Pletwonurkowania LOK (Commission Diving National Defense League) CMAS code POL/F02
KSC - Kuwait Science Club CMAS code KUW/F02
KUA - Korea Underwater Association CMAS code KOR/F00
KUF - Kyrgyz Underwater Federation CMAS code KGZ/F00
KWTDIVERS - Kuwait Academy for Diving and Swimming CMAS code KUW/F01
LDA - Libyan Diving Association (Ajamiaa Alibia Lil Gaus) CMAS code LBA/F00
LIB - Lebanese Diving and Salvage Federation CMAS code LIB/F00
LTV - Liechtensteiner Tauchsport Verband (CMAS Liechtenstein) CMAS code LIE/F00
LUSF - Lietuvos Povandeninio Sporto Federacija (Lithuanian Underwater Sport Federation) CMAS code LTU/F00
LZSF - Latviejas Zemudens Sporta Federacija (Federation of Underwater Sports of Latvia) CMAS code LAT/F02
MBSz - Magyar uvar Szakszovetseg (Hungarian Divers Federation) CMAS code HUN/F00
MICRODIVE - Microdive
MDEA - Multinational Diving Educators Association
MSDA - Mauritian Scuba Diving Association CMAS code MRI/F00
MSAC - Malayan Sub Aqua Club CMAS code MAS/F00
MTES - Marine Techno Educational System diving division. CMAS code JPN/F04
MUF - Maldives Underwater Federation CMAS code MDV/F01
NADD - NADD Global Diving Agency CMAS code ITA/F03 EUF S 000513
NASE - National Academy of Scuba Educators Recreational scuba training and certification agency EUF CB 2008003
NASDS - National Association of Scuba Diving Schools
NAUI - National Association of Underwater Instructors Non-profit training and certification agency association of scuba instructors
NDF - Norges Dykkeforbund (Norwegian Diving Federation) CMAS code NOR/F00
NDL - National Dive League EUF CB 2007003
NOB - Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond National governing body for recreational diving and underwater sports in the Netherlands affiliated to CMAS (Dutch Underwater Federation) CMAS code NED/F00
NUWF - Namibia Underwater Federation CMAS code NAM/F00
PADI - Professional Association of Diving Instructors Recreational diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2004001
PCIA - Philippine Federation of CMAS Underwater Activities (CMAS Philippines) CMAS code PHI/F01
PDA - Professional Diving Association EUF CB 2006004
PDIC - Professional Diving Instructors Corporation International Recreational diver training and certification agency
PDSA - Professional Diving Schools Association of Malta
POSSIISSA - Persartuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia (Indonesian Subaquatic Sport Association) CMAS code INA/F00
ProTec - Professional Technical and Recreational Diving CMAS code INT/F08
PSAI Professional Scuba Association International
PSS - Professional Scuba Schools
PTA - Pure Tech Agency CMAS code INT/F07
PTRD - Professional, Technical & Recreational Diving EUF S 000786
PZPn - Polski Zwiazek Pletwonurkowania (Polish Underwater Sports Federation) CMAS code POL/F01
Ronilacki Savez Crne Gore (Diving Association of Montenegro) CMAS code MNE/F00
RAID - Rebreather Association of International Divers Recreational diver training and certification agency
RJMSF - Royal Jordanian Marine Sports Federation CMAS code JOR/F00
RUF - Russian Underwater Federation CMAS code RUS/F01
Saudi Arabia Maritime Sports Federation CMAS code KSA/F00
Savez Ronilaca Bosne I Hergegovine (Diving association of Bosnia and Herzegovina) CMAS code BIH/F00
SAA - The Sub-Aqua Association; British recreational diver training and certification organisation CMAS code GBR/F03
SEI - Scuba Educators International Recreational diver training and certification agency USOA CMAS code USA/F00
SDFS - Scuba Diver Federation of Seychelles CMAS code SEY/F00
SDI - Scuba Diving International Recreational diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2006002
Serbian Underwater Federation CMAS code SRB/F00
SNSI - Scuba and Nitrox Safety International
SPCR - Svaz Potapecu Ceske Republikiy (Divers Association of the Czech Republic) CMAS code CZE/F00
SPZ - - Slovenska Potapljaska Zveza (Slovenian Diving Federation) CMAS code SLO/F00
SSAC -Scottish Sub Aqua Club Scottish recreational diver training and certification agency
SSDF - - Svenska Sportdykarforbundet (Swedish Sports Diving Federation) CMAS code SWE/F00
SSI - - Scuba Schools International Recreational scuba and free diving training and certification agency! EUF CB 2005002
SUF - - Singapore Underwater Federation CMAS code SIN/F00
Sukeltajaliitto Ry (Finnish Divers Federation) CMAS code FIN/F00
SUSV - - Schweizer Unterwassersport-Verband< CMAS code SUI/F00>
Syrian Underwater Sport Federationion< CMAS code SYR/F00>
Taiwan Technical and Science Diving Associationion< CMAS code TPE/F02>
TDA - - Thailand Diving Association< CMAS code THA/F01>
TIDF - - Israeli Diving Federation Israeli recreational diver training and certification agency EUF CB 2012001
Toa Engineering Corporationion< CMAS code IMA/F00 (Marianas)
TSSF - - Turkiye Sualti Sporlari Federasyonu (Turkish Underwater Sports Federation) CMAS code TUR/F00
TVSO - Tauchsportverband Osterreichs< CMAS code AUT/F00
UEF - - Underwater Explorers' Federation< (Hungary) CMAS code HUN/F01/li>
UFUSUA - - Ukraian Federation of Underwater Sport and Underwater Activities< CMAS code UKR/F00/li>
UISP - - Union Italienne Sport Pour Tous< CMAS code ITA/F06/li>
Underwater Federation Republic of Kazakhstantan< CMAS code KAZ/F00/li>
USOA - - Underwater Society of America American national representative organization for underwater sport. CMAS code USA/F00
UTD - - Unified Team Diving
VDST - - Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher.< CMAS code GER/F00, EUF CB 2004002
VDTL - - Verband Deutscher Tauchlehrer< EUF CB 2009001
VIT - Verband Internationaler Tauchschulen
WOSD - - World Organisation of Scuba Diving< EUF CB 2011002
ZPS-SDA - - Zvas Potapacov Slovenska (Slovak Diving Union) CMAS code SVK/F00
About ITDA
ITDA International Technical Diving Agency, are the only training and certification agency to offer; International standards in: Sports Scuba/Recreational Diving, Technical and Advanced Specialist, First-Aid and Medical Programs, plus; Occupational and Professional Diving... Plus much more! See about ITDA page