We are working hard looking for training partners to grow business in this region / area, which offers some unique business opportunities with us, as we have very little competition in the region and have been very successful marketing with local partners against the industry USA giant, PADI and many others. As ITDA Offers higher standards and better value for money! Plus now with NO Renewal Fees and lower cost entry for business partners, ITDA are the no 1. Choice for developing markets...

OCEANIKA è una ASD (Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica) con sede in Viterbo (Italia)



Le agenzie sono attualmente a Viterbo e Roma. Nata 5 anni fa dalla passione per la subacquea di alcuni istruttori con lo scopo di avvicinare più persone possibili a questo meraviglioso mondo ... il tutto in sicurezza e divertimento. oceanika

Proponiamo uscite (weekend, settimane, crociere) al mare o laghi per ogni grado di brevetto. Oceanika collabora con la Protezione Civile per fornire strumenti e professionalità dove necessita. I corsi offerti da OCEANIKA vanno dal "Battesimo dell'acqua" fino ad Istruttore … corsi di specialità e Rebreather.

Corsi di BLS e BLSD, Ossigeno, Acqua Rescue e molti altri. Le didattiche proposte sono ITDA, CMAS, DAN e IHMP. Tutti i nostri brevetti sono riconosciuti in tutto il mondo. Divertimento, passione sicurezza sono il nostro credo. Cosa aspetti ... vieni a trovarci e immergersi insieme a noi in una esperienza meravigliosa. Ti aspettiamo! 


Oceanika ASD (Amateur Sports Association) is based in Viterbo (Italy). The agencies are currently in Viterbo and Rome. Founded five years ago by a passion for diving some instructors with the aim of bringing people as possible to this wonderful world ... all in safety and fun.

We propose weekends, weeks, cruises ... to the sea or lakes at all levels of the patent. Oceanika works with the Civil Protection to provide the tools and expertise where needed. The courses offered by Oceanika ranging from "Baptism of Water" until the "Instructor" ... specialty courses and rebreather. Courses BLS BLSD, Oxygen, Water Rescue and many others. The educational proposals are ITDA, CMAS, DAN and IHMP.

Contact Us...

All of our patents are recognized around the world.
Fun, passion, safety is our creed.
What are you waiting ... come and visit us and dive with us into a wonderful experience.
See you there!     
-- Inviato dal mio cellulare Android con K-@ Mail.

ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.

webPage is in development and more information is available from if you have an urgent inquiry...

Please bookmark page and we will get back to you, as soon as possible....

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Our Office Locations

ITDA EU HQ - Los Pagos,  Caserones       #69 Sedella, 29715 
Malaga. Spain EU.


Mail us Directly

Contact gina 

ITDA EU HQ - Los Pagos,  Caserones       #69 Sedella, 29715 
Malaga. Spain EU.

Mon - Thursday, 9:30-7:00pm

Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.

Sundays and Holidays - Closed


Company Details

ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
CEO Contact Steve
COO Contact Gina
Office Locations 2...

C/O Atrix Business Services. ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd. 2003, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City. 33 Canton Road, TsimShaTsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR China).

ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.  Divepro Franchise link