About our Partnership Agreements
This page demonstrates the clear benefits of being an ITDA Training Facility or Training Partner and offers various levels of partnership to suit most cases... Get more from your diving business - Get ITDA Divepro... Train, Certify and Crossover to professional Levels as a "Divepro Partner"...
A copy of our actual training agreement .PDF is available on request to serious inquirers from: admin@diveitda.com
Top Level Most Popular
Full Partner is our premium partner / Divepro Plus!
Extra Benefits for on-line purchase
ITDA value for money just got
a whole lot better with our amazing "Divepro Plans",
with our "PREMIUM - Divepro Plus" Plan tier 1. with
great savings for a very low monthly cost spreading the
cost over 12 months, or paying for 10 Months $499 USD
and saving even more money... Subscribe From just $49.00 USD per month.
Divepro Plan (Link Here!)
With four (4x) simple levels:
1. Independent Instructors (Affiliate Training Partners) A non-exclusive agreement with ITDA from just $29.99 USD per month, the fee includes: 1 Certifications per month and 1x training materials e-pack per month with a value of $25... You pay only! $5 per month... Who cannot find 1 certification a month? (+ Renewal Fees Discounts up to 50%) Save over 1 year... and put more $$$$ in your pocket...
Visit our Membership Page here!
ITDA / IHMP Training Affiliate - Dive School / Centre or
Shop may join ITDA!![diveshow](../Site/images/mktg001.png)
A non-exclusive agreement with ITDA from just $39.99 USD per month, the fee includes: 2x Certifications per month and 2x training materials e-pack per month with a value of $25...x2 = $50.00 You SAVE $11 per month... Who cannot find 2x certifications a month? (+ Renewal Fees Discounts up to 50%)... Save over 1 year... and put more $$$$ in your pocket... Or pay annually in advanced at same even more money... $399 p.a. with 12x $50 benefit = $600 USD. YOU SAVE Over $200 per year...
2. Dive Centers, Dive Shops as (Associate Training Partners). Our MOST Popular Plan...
Take advantage of this unique offer for just $49.99 USD per month or an annual payment of $499 you get x4 Diver Training e-packs up to a value of $25 ea (4x $25 = $100) from just 4 Certifications - YOU SAVE OVER $50 per month...
We put Money in your bank! And Do NOT Forget that you also make money from the training, You decide what to charge your customers bearing in mind that you will NOT be competing with another ITDA school locally... Plus higher standards and more dives...
Visit our Membership
Page here!
3. ITDA Pro Training Premium Partner who are members of our International certifications programs and ITDA Academy, this offer is in addition to all of your other benefits.... You pay just $89.99 USD per month (basic Package) and you get 2 Dive Leader upgrades per year at $99 each. Value $200 plus 6x Diver levels for e-materials and e-certification packs... per month.
Value of Diver packs $150 USD plus up to 4 Advanced Divers at or equal at $49.00 = $98.00 Total $248 less payment per month at $89.00 YOU SAVE OVER $159 per month....
Visit our Membership Page here!
4. Divepro Plus Training Partners who are members of our divepro franchise program, this offer is in addition to all of your other benefits.... You pay from just $150 USD per month (basic Package) or save more with an annual payment of $1500 and you get 2 Dive Leader upgrades per year at $99 each. Value $198 plus 6x Diver levels for e-materials and e-certification packs...at (6x $39 = $234 per month. Total = Savings of $432 less your payment of $150, = Total SAVING of $282 p.m.
And Do NOT Forget that you also make money from the training, You decide what to charge your customers bearing in mind that you will NOT be competing with another ITDA school locally... Plus higher standards and more dives...
Plus your discounts up to 40% On training materials and Certifications... YOU calculate what YOU could save over a year with your existing agency! We do the support you do the math!
Visit our Membership Page here!
Plus RENEWAL FEES Discounts to 50% for 2022/2023 if our basic terms are met...
Our Office Locations
Lugar Pago, Los Caserones #69
Sedella 29715
Spain EU.
Mail us Directly
Contact gina
Mon -
Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.
Sundays and Holidays - Closed
Company Details
ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
Contact Steve
Contact Gina
Office Locations
C/O Atrix Business Services. ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd. 2003, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City. 33 Canton Road, TsimShaTsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (SAR China).
ITDA and IHMP, training
scuba diving, advanced and technical, training
professional divers, from diver to instructor,
plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus,
our unique divepro opportunity.