It may be relatively cold water but you will be guaranteed a very warm welcome. (Any time of the Year!)
Vores ITDA-gruppe Verdensomspændende virksomhed vokser igen, da denne pandemi bliver under kontrol, og dette område / region repræsenterer sandsynligvis vores største udfordring for at udvikle markeder efter vores store succes i Asien, Europa, USA og Mellemøsten ...
Vi har partnere i Norge / Skandinavien, der udvikler forretningen hos os ... Vi leder dog altid efter flere uddannelsespartnere til bedre supporttjenester og vores voksende studentermarkeder.
Dette er en naturlig fremgang for denne vækst, men vi kan ikke gøre det alene. Vi har brug for lokale kvalitetspartnere, der forstår markedet, så vi kan være sikre på at være konkurrencedygtige og produktive fra starten ... På grund af størrelsen på dette marked og vores forretnings karakter vil vi med glæde se på et regionalt eller et område, der ikke er eksklusivt eller som en eksklusiv aftale.
ITDA-strategien har altid været at udvikle forretning med lokale og "Hit the Ground Running", med alle vores satsninger og operationer spiller vores lokale partnere en stor rolle i vores succes, og selvfølgelig vil de nyde deres store andel af succesen ...
ITDA Group forskel og markedsandel Vi adskiller os meget fra de fleste andre uddannelsesbureauer i både vores tilgang til markedet og i vores operationer ... Disse forskelle vil give en stor fordel med hensyn til, hvor meget markedsandel vi kan vinde i forhold til vores mere traditionelle konkurrence ... For eksempel er vores fokus på at være eksklusiv IKKE at have vores instruktører i konkurrence med hinanden. Derudover kan vi tilbyde "Local Pricing", hvilket betyder, at de lokale har råd til at certificere og gøre fremskridt gennem vores system til fagfolk ...
Vi tilbyder følgende fordele: International standardoverensstemmelse ANSI / EN og ISO UK HSE-standardgodkendelse siden 2005 Sportstræning og certificering (adgangsniveau til professionel fra 2002) International Club System (Samme høje standarder som ITDA International) Teknisk uddannelse og certificering (adgangsniveau til professionel fra 1998) Medicinsk uddannelse og certificering (adgangsniveau til professionel fra 1998)
Erhvervsuddannelse og certificering (adgangsniveau til professionel) Offentlig sikkerhedsdykning / Professionel redning (fra 2007) Videregående uddannelse og kvalifikationer - ITDA Academy Meget begrænset konkurrence fra andre ITDA-gruppefaciliteter / træningspartnere Eksklusive eller ikke-eksklusive træningsaftaler under vores Divepro-franchise GRATIS international marketing og salgssupport Ud over ovenstående opfordrer vi også "Multi-Agency" og tilbyder videregående uddannelse med vores certifikat- og diplomprogrammer (etablering af relationer med gymnasier og universiteter rundt om i verden). Onlineuddannelse på
Vi tilbyder også en unik certificering på "Instruktions engelsk", som er en formel internationalt anerkendt kvalifikation inden for undervisning udstedt i samarbejde med LTTC. London Teacher Training College (UK) .... Hvis du er alvorligt interesseret, bedes du maile:
For en liste over vores professionelle i dit område / område eller land bedes du kontakte os på:
Our ITDA Group World-wide business is growing again as this pandemic becomes under control and this area / region probably represents our largest challenge for developing markets after our great success in Asia, Europe, USA and the Middle East...
We have partners in Norway / Scandinavia who are developing the business with us... However we are always looking for more training partners to better support services and our growing student markets.
This is a natural progression for this growth but we cannot do it alone. We need quality local partners who understand the market, so we can be sure to be competitive and productive from the beginning...
Due to the size of this market and the nature of our Business we would be happy to look at a regional or by territory non-exclusive or as an exclusive agreement.
ITDA strategy has always been to develop business with locals and "Hit the Ground Running", with all of our ventures and operations our local partners play a large part in our success and of course they will enjoy their large share of the success...
ITDA Group Difference and Market Share
We are very different from the majority of other training agencies in both our approach to market and in our operations... These differences will offer a major advantage as to how much market share we can gain over our more traditional competition... For example our focus is on being exclusive NOT having our Instructors in competition with each other. In addition we can offer "Local Pricing", which means that locals can afford to certify and progress through our system to professionals...
We offer the following Benefits:
International Standards Compliance ANSI/EN and ISO
UK HSE Standards Approval since 2005
Sports Training and Certification (Entry Level to Professional from 2002)
International Club System (Same high standards as ITDA International)
Technical Training and Certification (Entry Level to Professional from 1998)
Medical Training and Certification (Entry Level to Professional from 1998)
Occupational Training and Certification (Entry Level to Professional)
Public Safety Diving / Professional Rescue (from 2007)
Higher Education & Qualifications - ITDA Academy
Very Limited Competition from other ITDA Group facilities / Training Partners
Exclusive or Non-Exclusive Training Agreements under our Divepro franchise
FREE International Marketing and Sales Support
In addition to the above we also encourage "Multi-Agency" and offer Higher Education with our Certificate and Diploma programs (establishing relationships with colleges and Universities around the world). On-line education at
We also offer a unique Certification in "Instructional English", which is a formal Internationally recognised qualification in Teaching issued in association with the LTTC. London Teacher Training College (UK)....
If you are seriously interested please mail:
Page is in development and more information is available from if you have an urgent inquiry...
Please bookmark page and we will get back to you, as soon as possible....
Please check us out on social media using the icons (Top right hand of screen...) or Facebook - Twitter or Linkedin
ITDA and IHMP, training scuba
diving, advanced and technical, training professional
divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid
and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro
ITDA International
- ITDA Africa
- ITDA Australasia
- ITDA Asia
- ITDA Singapore
- ITDA Philippines
- ITDA Malaysia
- ITDA Taiwan
- ITDA Thailand
- ITDA China
- ITDA Europe
- ITDA Benelux
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- ITDA Germany
- Greece
- Malta
- ITDA Slovakia
- ITDA Italy
- ITDA Spain / Islands
- ITDA Poland
- Denmark
- Greenland
- Finland
- Norway
- Sweden
- ITDA South America
- Lebanon
- Egypt / Sinai
- ITDA United Kingdom
- Bahamas
- Caribbean
- North America
- Canada
Mail us Directly
Contact gina
ITDA HQ - Los Pagos, Caserones #69
Sedella, 29715
Spain EU.
Mon -
Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.
Sundays and Holidays - Closed
ITDA and IHMP, training
scuba diving, advanced and technical, training
professional divers, from diver to instructor,
plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus,
our unique divepro opportunity.