First Aid At Work Programs and UK HSE
These first aid programs were designed to meet the UK HSE (Health & Safety Executive) a UK Government body which legislates and creates laws to protect people in work environments from health and safety risks.
Employers in the UK have a legal responsibllity to protect employees from hazrads and accidents as far is reasonably possible. And to provide adequate care as far as possible with trained "First-Aid Staff". Many Countries around the world now have similar national legal requirements to have staff trained and certified in First-Aid.
IHMP First Aid at Work (FAAW)
Although we designed these at work first aid programs to meet the UK HSE standards, they are also available to meet the needs of any businesses in any Country who wish to benefit their employees with first aid training which is appropriate for the majority of working environments;. faaw applies to: Factories, Offices, Shops, Industrial facilities, Warehouses, etc. etc.
1-Day First Aid At Work Program Syallabus:
Section 1
UK HSE Regulations for First Aid At Work
Employers legal duties
Special Requirements
RIDDOR (Reports and Reporting Procedures)
UK HSE FAQ’s (and Examples)
Section 2
1. Day First Aid at Work Program Introduction
Emergency First Aid Program Overview
First Aid Risk Assessments
Management of Incidents and Accidents
Emergency First Aid and Triage (Prioritising Care)
Treatment for an unconscious casualty (And CPR)
First Aid for Shock
First Aid for Bleeding and Blood loss
Common Work Place Injuries and Treatments
Emergency First Aid Program Quiz
3 Day First Aid At Work Program Syallabus:
The 3 day First Aid at Work
Training Course Syllabus Includes:
First Aid Priorities (Triage, Primary and Secondary Assessments)
Managing Incidents and Accidents (Review of 1 day program)
Basic Life Support
Examination of a Casualty
Control of Bleeding
Burns and Scalds
Common Illnesses
Heart Attacks (SCA)
Eye Injuries
Recording and Reporting
UK HSE Regulations