First-Aid At Work (FAAW) and Refresher Programs

Our business philosophy has always been "be innovative, be prepared, and ALWAYS be human". We are one of the few or maybe only first aid training companies that designs, develops and supports our own programs, to national, federal and International standards...

ihmp_logoFirst Aid At Work Programs and UK HSE

These first aid programs were designed to meet the UK HSE (Health & Safety Executive) a UK Government body which legislates and creates laws to protect people in work environments from health and safety risks. 

Employers in the UK have a legal responsibllity to protect employees from hazrads and accidents as far is reasonably possible. And to provide adequate care as far as possible with trained "First-Aid Staff". Many Countries around the world now have similar national legal requirements to have staff trained and certified in First-Aid.ladder

IHMP First Aid at Work (FAAW)

Although we designed these at work first aid programs  to meet the UK HSE standards, they are also available to meet the needs of any businesses in any Country who wish to benefit their employees with first aid training which is appropriate for the majority of working environments;.  faaw applies to: Factories, Offices, Shops, Industrial facilities, Warehouses, etc. etc.

1-Day First Aid At Work Program Syallabus:

Section 1

  • UK HSE Regulations for First Aid At Work

  • Employers legal duties

  • Special Requirements

  • RIDDOR (Reports and Reporting Procedures)

  • UK HSE FAQ’s (and Examples)

Section 2diving

1. Day First Aid at Work Program Introduction
  • Emergency First Aid Program Overview

  • First Aid Risk Assessments

  • Management of Incidents and Accidents

  • Emergency First Aid and Triage (Prioritising Care)

  • Treatment for an unconscious casualty (And CPR)

  • First Aid for Shock

  • First Aid for Bleeding and Blood loss

  • Common Work Place Injuries and Treatments

  • Emergency First Aid Program Quiz

3 Day First Aid At Work Program Syallabus:

The 3 day First Aid at Work Training Course Syllabus Includes:

  • First Aid Priorities (Triage, Primary and Secondary Assessments)

  • Managing Incidents and Accidents (Review of 1 day program)

  • Basic Life Support                                                                                                              

  • Examination of a Casualty                                                                                                         

  • Unconsciousness                                                                                                                         

  • Control of Bleeding                                                                                                                 

  • Fractures                                                                                                                                     

  • Burns and Scalds                                                                                                                        

  • Common Illnesses                                                                                                                          

  • Heart Attacks (SCA)                                                                                                               

  • Eye Injuries                                                                                                                               

  • Dressings                                                                                                                                  

  • Recording and Reporting

  • UK HSE Regulations

2 Day Refresher  Re-certification First Aid Course

We offer the 2 day First Aid at Work Refresher training courses at Centre’s throughout the UK and Europe. Please use our email contact address to find and book open courses online. We also run 'on site' First Aid at Work courses at your premises or at a local venue of your choice. We can also offer specific first aid and medical training to meet the risks of your workplace.


This First Aid at Work training course is run over two-days and allows for re-certification of First Aid at Work qualified staff.

Outline of Program

The First Aid at Work Requalification Training Course Syllabus Includes:
  • First Aid Priorities
  • Managing Incidents
  • Basic Life Support
  • Examination of a Casualty
  • Unconsciousness
  • Control of Bleeding
  • Fractures
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Common Illnesses
  • Heart Attacks
  • Eye Injuries
  • Dressings
  • Recording and Reporting
  • Regulations
  • First Aid Kits

  ITDA/IHMP (Stephen Craig-Murray) Are full members of the UKRC 854697 and also the ERC The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) is the European Interdisciplinary Council for Resuscitation Medicine and Emergency Medical Care.


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ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.

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Offices itda eu hq

Lgar Pago, Los Caserones #69

Sedella 29715

Malaga. Spain. EU


Mail us Directly

Contact gina
Mon - Thursday, 9:30-7:00pm

Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.

Sundays and Holidays - Closed


Company Details

ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
CEO Contact Steve
COO Contact Gina
Office Locations ...

ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity. 

Divepro Franchise link

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