First-Aid Responder

This IHMP/ITDA Training and Certification Program is designed for first-response / pre-hospital care and is a combination of our Basic Life Support and Oxygen / AED Programs, including an overview of dealing with accidents, illness and trauma .


ihmp3About First-Response / Emergency Care Responder - IHMP ECRaed

This is a unique program from IHMP/ITDA and offers a medical based training program aimed at non-medical persons and professionals but offering a very in-depth study and practice with skills and exercises covering the majority of accidents and injuries with both diving modules and non-diving modules. Your Instructor can tailor make this program...

Flexible Modular Program - FMP

As this is a modular program, the students may decide which area's of training that meets their specific or "Specialist" requirements and may build the course around those requirements.

Core Modules

The basic programs are built on three core modules: 1. Basic Life Support BLS/CPR  (Study of Physiology and Anatomy) and General First-Aid covering CPR. Primary and secondary assessments, risk assessments, basic equipment use. 2. AED/DEA and  3. Oxygen First Aid delivery systems.   A new manual for IHMP-ECR (Emergency First-Response) is now available from IHMP...

We also include the use of BVM (Bag Valve Mask) and supplemental Oxygen. / Pocket Mask etc.

Modules maybe added for:

Diving Accidents / Hyperbaric Operations / Sports Injuries and First-Aid at Work - Aquatic / Surface Rescue - Life-Support BLS/ALST

Module Links here to: 

Basic Life Support/CPR - Oxygen Provider - AED/DEA - Hyperbaric- Dive Medic - First Responder - Sports Injuries - Instructor - Trainer


ITDA Group International and IHMP First Aid and Medical Training Standards meet and exceed in most cases all National and International Standards, Our CPR Standards follow the latest standards and reviews from the AHA (American Heart Association) and the EU ERC (European Resuscitation Council).

We also offer training, certification and registration with AREMT (Australasian Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians)


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ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.

Link Here for Membership details, costs and benefits...



Offices itda eu hq

Lgar Pago, Los Caserones #69

Sedella 29715

Malaga. Spain. EU


Mail us Directly

Contact gina
Mon - Thursday, 9:30-7:00pm

Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.

Sundays and Holidays - Closed


Company Details

ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd.
CEO Contact Steve
COO Contact Gina
Office Locations ...

ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity. 

Divepro Franchise link

Membership Levels