ITDA Group International are unique in the diving industry as the ONLY diver training and certification agency to offer programs in: Recreational Sports Diving, Technical Diving, First Aid and Medical Training, Professional Diving, Instructor Training, Occupational Diving and Higher Education with Certificate and Diploma Courses from ITDA Academy at
International Technical Diving Agency (ITDA) Europe. Registered in Spain. International Technical Diving Agency and the ITDA Logo are registered Trade Marks. All International IP and Copyrights reserved Stephen J. Craig-Murray ©1998 - 2021... Vi leter etter opplæringspartnere over hele Norge og for å utvide ITDA Skandinavia fra 2021 sesongen ... Kontakt oss for mer informasjon. We are looking for training partners across Norway and to Expand ITDA Scandinavia from 2021 season... Please contact us for more information.
ITDA Group International Inc. Ltd. Are an IBC International Business Corporation Registered in Hong Kong No.1519638.See about us for more information.
More and more dedicated divers put Norway on their top lists, because of the rich biodiversity, contrasting locations and experiences you are most likely to only find here. Plus they have some fantastic wreck diving and of course Ice-diving.
Vår ITDA-gruppe Verdensomspennende virksomhet vokser igjen etter hvert som denne pandemien blir under kontroll, og dette området / regionen representerer sannsynligvis vår største utfordring for å utvikle markeder etter vår store suksess i Asia, Europa, USA og Midtøsten ...
Vi har partnere i Norge / Skandinavia som utvikler virksomheten hos oss ...
Vi ser imidlertid alltid etter flere opplæringspartnere for bedre supporttjenester og våre voksende studentmarkeder. Dette er en naturlig progresjon for denne veksten, men vi kan ikke gjøre det alene.
Vi trenger lokale kvalitetspartnere som forstår markedet, så vi kan være sikre på å være konkurransedyktige og produktive fra begynnelsen ... På grunn av størrelsen på dette markedet og virksomheten vår vil vi gjerne se på et regionalt eller territorium som ikke er eksklusivt eller som en eksklusiv avtale.
ITDA-strategien har alltid vært å utvikle forretninger med lokalbefolkningen og "Hit the Ground Running", med alle våre satsinger og virksomheter våre lokale partnere spiller en stor rolle i vår suksess, og selvfølgelig vil de glede seg over sin store andel av suksessen ... Forskjellen på ITDA-gruppen og markedsandelen Vi er veldig forskjellige fra de fleste andre opplæringsbyråer i både vår tilnærming til markedet og i vår virksomhet ... Disse forskjellene vil gi en stor fordel med hensyn til hvor stor markedsandel vi kan få i forhold til vår mer tradisjonelle konkurranse ...
For eksempel er vårt fokus på å være eksklusiv IKKE å ha våre instruktører i konkurranse med hverandre. I tillegg kan vi tilby "Local Pricing", som betyr at lokalbefolkningen har råd til å sertifisere og utvikle seg gjennom systemet vårt til profesjonelle ...
Vi tilbyr følgende fordeler: Internasjonale standarder ANSI / EN og ISO UK HMS Standards Approval since 2005 Sportsopplæring og sertifisering (inngangsnivå til profesjonell fra 2002) International Club System (Samme høye standarder som ITDA International) Teknisk opplæring og sertifisering (inngangsnivå til profesjonell fra 1998)
Medisinsk opplæring og sertifisering (inngangsnivå til profesjonell fra 1998) Yrkesopplæring og sertifisering (inngangsnivå til profesjonell) Offentlig dykking / profesjonell redning (fra 2007) Høyere utdanning og kvalifikasjoner - ITDA Academy
Svært begrenset konkurranse fra andre ITDA-konsernfasiliteter / opplæringspartnere Eksklusive eller ikke-eksklusive treningsavtaler under Divepro-serien GRATIS internasjonal markedsføring og salgssupport I tillegg til det ovennevnte oppfordrer vi også "Multi-Agency" og tilbyr høyere utdanning med våre sertifikat- og diplomprogrammer (etablere relasjoner med høyskoler og universiteter over hele verden).
Online utdanning på Vi tilbyr også en unik sertifisering på "Instructional English", som er en formell internasjonalt anerkjent kvalifikasjon i undervisning utstedt i tilknytning til LTTC. London Teacher Training College (UK) .... Hvis du er seriøst interessert, kan du sende en e-post til:
Our ITDA Group World-wide business is growing again as this pandemic becomes under control and this area / region probably represents our largest challenge for developing markets after our great success in Asia, Europe, USA and the Middle East... We have partners in Norway / Scandinavia who are developing the business with us... However we are always looking for more training partners to better support services and our growing student markets.This is a natural progression for this growth but we cannot do it alone. We need quality local partners who understand the market, so we can be sure to be competitive and productive from the beginning... Due to the size of this market and the nature of our Business we would be happy to look at a regional or by territory non-exclusive or as an exclusive agreement. ITDA strategy has always been to develop business with locals and "Hit the Ground Running", with all of our ventures and operations our local partners play a large part in our success and of course they will enjoy their large share of the success...ITDA Group Difference and Market ShareWe are very different from the majority of other training agencies in both our approach to market and in our operations... These differences will offer a major advantage as to how much market share we can gain over our more traditional competition... For example our focus is on being exclusive NOT having our Instructors in competition with each other. In addition we can offer "Local Pricing", which means that locals can afford to certify and progress through our system to professionals...We offer the following Benefits:
In addition to the above we also encourage "Multi-Agency" and offer Higher Education with our Certificate and Diploma programs (establishing relationships with colleges and Universities around the world). On-line education at We also offer a unique Certification in "Instructional English", which is a formal Internationally recognised qualification in Teaching issued in association with the LTTC. London Teacher Training College (UK).... If you are seriously interested please mail:
Norwegian fjords and other waters may sometimes be a bit more chilly than some of the world’s other top diving spots, but those seeking a different kind of challenge, will return home with exciting stories to tell.
Some even end up embracing Norwegian weather for its variation, regardless if they are into some relaxed snorkeling, exploring scuba diving, free diving or deep sea diving.
Some even go further in their enthusiasm, especially if you trust, which is considered the world’s largest diving community.
Deeperblue’s enthusiastic writer Jennifer Palmer recommends Norway after having explored the Northern waters, and points out assets like a great variety of adventures and unseen opportunities for all skill levels.
.We have been working with training partners in Norway since 2013 and have a full range of Scuba - Recreational Diving, Technical Diving, Cold Water Specialist Diving, and First Aid Training from ITDA/IHMP... First Aid Training and Certifications Link here!
Being one of Norway’s major cities, you will find Kristiansand on the southernmost part of Norway, with a great variety of exciting underwater life. Writer Jennifer of especially points out MS Seattle, another shipwreck that can be explored in the Korsvik fjord just outside Kristiansand, where it was sunk during the liberation of Norway in 1945.
However, you are strongly advised not to penetrate the ship without proper training experience or training, as there have unfortunately been several deaths due to diving in and around the wreck.
You will barely find a harbour with more wrecks than that of city of Narvik, located in the innermost part of the 78 kilometres long Ofotfjord. The reason is the battles of Narvik, which lasted from April to June 1940, remaining one of the most dramatic chapters in the Norwegian warfare history, with the result of a huge amount of wrecks ranging from warships, cargo ships, and even a seaplane.
If you are more into nature’s underwater beauty than shipwrecks, Hattan is the place to go, still according to
Beautiful sights like sandy bottoms, rocky shores and vertical drops descending to about 30 metres, gives insight into diversity on several levels and layers.
When you have done all that diving during daytime, you will be ready for some night time experiences. Skarberget in Northern Norway is known as one of the best wall dives in this part of the country, and is especially popular for night time diving.
Right here you can mingle with such species as starfish and sea urchins, while massive concentrations of herring make the fjord a giant meal for the orcas, hence the chances of meeting up with these whales are good.
For a list of our Professionals in your area / region or Country please mail us at:
For en liste over profesjonelle i ditt område / region eller land, vennligst send oss en e-post på:
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ITDA and IHMP, training scuba diving, advanced and technical, training professional divers, from diver to instructor, plus IHMP first-aid and IHMP instructor, plus, our unique divepro opportunity.
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ITDA HQ - Los Pagos, Caserones #69 Sedella, 29715 Malaga. Spain EU.
Mon - Thursday, 9:30-7:00pm
Friday - Saturday, 10am to 1pm.
Sundays and Holidays - Closed
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